Domestic leisure travel is normalizing, yet, continues to experience growth—serving as a lifeline for the industry.

Why it matters: In 2023, domestic leisure generated $855 billion in travel spending.

What else: Our consumer insights data from Ipsos reveals that, while the majority of recent air travelers say they are at least somewhat satisfied with their overall travel experience (80%), less than one-third are very satisfied (32%), citing airport crowding and congestion and flight delays or cancellations as primary reasons.

  • And, over half of Americans (52%) say they would travel more for leisure in the next six months if the travel experience was not as much of a hassle.

Demand for leisure travel cannot be guaranteed—and that’s why it’s imperative that the traveler experience at every stage be improved.

The bottom line: As we look to grow travel to and within the U.S., it’s essential that we invest in significant upgrades to our air travel system.

A Bold Vision for Travel's Future

In February 2025, U.S. Travel and the Commission on Seamless and Secure Travel released a bold policy roadmap that outlines concrete solutions to improve the travel experience, enhance U.S. global competitiveness and grow travel.

By investing in modernization now, the White House and Congress can unlock a new Golden Age of Travel, boosting the economy and setting a global standard for the future.



Nominate and confirm the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Travel & Tourism

Develop a roadmap to modify the TSA liquids ban



U.S. Travel Association

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Research, News and Commentary on Maintain Robust Growth in Leisure Travel Demand