The restoration of international travel continues to be a critical part of a full U.S. economic recovery.

The U.S. Department of Commerce National Travel and Tourism Strategy identifies inbound travel as an economic priority and sets a national goal of welcoming 90 million international visitors by 2027. 

The Challenge

International inbound travel — and America’s economic and global competitiveness — is being held back by major obstacles, including excessive visitor visa wait times, limited air routes, aviation workforce and CBP staffing shortages and an outdated air traffic control system.

By The Numbers

  • The U.S. risks losing 39 million visitors and $150 billion in spending over the next 10 years due to excessive visitor visa wait times.
  • Wait times for visitor visa interviews exceed six months for first-time applicants from top source markets.
  • Visa-free travel opportunities are low, meaning visitors from only 43 countries can visit the U.S. visa-free, compared to 102 countries for the U.K.
  • Losing just a single international flight due to Customs and Border Protection staff shortages can cost the U.S. economy $227 million annually.

The bottom line: International visitors are choosing other travel destinations, despite a strong desire to visit the United States. 

  • Of potential international travelers from three of our key markets requiring a visitor visa, 61% of Brazilians, 66% of Indians and 71% of Mexicans would likely choose another country to visit if visa wait times exceeded a year.  

A Bold Vision for Travel's Future

In February 2025, U.S. Travel and the Commission on Seamless and Secure Travel released a bold policy roadmap that outlines concrete solutions to improve the travel experience, enhance U.S. global competitiveness and grow international inbound travel.

Why it matters: A mega-decade of events — including the 2026 World Cup and 2028 Summer Olympics — could bring 40 million additional international visitors to the U.S., driving $100 billion in economic impact. By investing in modernization now, the White House and Congress can unlock a new Golden Age of Travel, boosting the economy and setting a global standard for the future.



Authorize remote interviews over videoconferencing for low-risk non-immigrant visa applicants

Establish a visa interview wait time standard and give the State Department the flexibility to transfer funds to consular posts with high wait times

Enact the Visa Processing Improvement Act (S. 2632) to modernize the application process and reduce interview wait times, which averaged 400+ days for first-time visa applicants from top inbound markets

Implement a pilot program for waiving CBP interviews for low-risk international travelers

Restart CBP's preclearance program

Establish TSA's one-stop security pilot program

Research, News and Commentary on Fully Restore International Inbound Travel