Below is U.S. Travel’s latest travel industry research, including insights into emerging trends, factors driving travel’s growth, as well as data to convey the importance of the travel industry and influence business leaders and legislation to strengthen travel for the future.
Please note that some of our research products are exclusively available to U.S. Travel members. Learn more about becoming a member or email [email protected].
U.S. Travel's Data Insights

Latest Travel Data Newsletter
Our monthly data newsletter features a forward-looking outlook of the travel industry, including a summary of the latest economic, consumer and travel indicators, trends and analysis as well as key highlights from the Recovery and Growth Insights Dashboard. Member log-in required.

Travel Price Index (TPI)
Developed by U.S. Travel, the Travel Price Index (TPI) measures both the one-month change and 12-month change in the cost of travel away from home in the United States on a seasonally-adjusted basis. The TPI is released monthly and is directly comparable to the Consumer Price Index. Member log-in required.

Quarterly Consumer Insights
Bringing together results from our Business Travel Tracker and Ipsos Consumer Survey, these quarterly consumer insights provide a more in-depth look at current traveler behavior and shifts in traveler trends, all within the context of an evolving macroeconomic environment.

The U.S. Travel Insights Dashboard
The U.S. Travel Insights Dashboard is the most comprehensive and centralized source for high-frequency intelligence on the U.S. travel industry and broader economy. The dashboard is updated the last week of every month. Member log-in required.