Back to National Council of State Tourism Directors (NCSTD)

⏎ Back to National Council of State Tourism Directors (NCSTD)

The U.S. Travel Association and the National Council of State Tourism Directors created the national endorsement program for two reasons:

  • To promote travel information services nationwide.
  • To encourage individual states to develop a certification program that enhances individual travel counselors' efforts, skills and achievement to direct and advise travelers seeking assistance at travel information centers.

Endorsement of a state's travel counselor training programs is available exclusively to NCSTD members or the officially designated state entity responsible for the state travel/welcome information center program.

Program Guidelines

For a state's travel counselor training program to receive NCSTD's National Certification, it must meet the following standards:

  • Candidates must have been employed as a travel counselor for a minimum of one operating year to become eligible.
  • The program must include a written examination (view full exam guidelines here).
  • State information center managers must provide appropriate recognition to counselors who complete the test.
  • Each program endorsement is valid for three years.

Program Certification Process

Follow the three steps to receive your state’s endorsement and request certificates.

For a state’s travel counselor training program to receive NCSTD’s National Certification, it must include a written examination, in a minimum of two variations to allow for retesting of those who do not pass the test initially. The exam may also be available in alternate formats if needed.

You can view guidelines and sample questions here.

Complete the Request for NCSTD Endorsement of State Travel Counselor Certification Program form.

Please note, that you will be asked to upload two versions of your state’s certification exam. Please allow six weeks for approval.

After counselors pass the exam, you can submit counselor names through this request form.

Please allow 48 hours to receive a confirmation notice that your certificates have been mailed.

Key Resource Links


Cynthia Zhu, Project Manager, Member Engagement & ESTO

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