National Plan for Vacation Day on January 29 encourages Americans to commit early to their time off for the year.

Now that the holidays are over and the doldrums of winter are upon us, you may find yourself longing for a getaway. Whether you’re dreaming of a sunny Florida beach or the ski slopes of Colorado, it’s time to take action and actually plan that getaway.

Too many Americans never take that first step—planning—and end up wasting millions of their hard-earned vacation days—705 million in 2017 alone!

National Plan for Vacation Day, taking place on January 29 this the year, was developed in response to the vacation deprivation that’s taken hold of Americans.

U.S. Travel has provided the travel industry and others with resources that can help encourage Americans to plan their time off—and to travel while they’re at it—including expert advice from TV host and travel expert Samantha Brown.

Why is it so important that Americans use their time off?

In addition to missing out on memories with family and friends, there are a number of other benefits—including increased job performance, stronger personal relationships, and improved mental and physical well-being—that Americans cede when they say “maybe next year” to using their time off.

The best way to bring that dream vacation to reality is to plan. Research shows that avid vacation planners use more of their time, take longer trips and are generally happier.

A staggering 86 percent of Americans say they have not seen enough of their own country. Planning vacation is also an opportunity to see the U.S. and explore places you haven’t been before. Just two years ago, the average employee took 17.2 days of vacation, and less than half of that time was used for travel. And just like taking time off, traveling benefits us, too.

So, what should you do?

For starters: plan your vacation days. On January 29, commit your time off for the rest of the year at the start of the year. And while you’re at it, consider exploring our great country.

We have created an easy-to-use Vacation Planning Tool where you can add your available vacation days and plan out your time off for the year on an interactive calendar that can then be shared with family, friends and coworkers. This makes it easy to give your boss a heads up and coordinate travel schedules with your friends and family.

Be sure to join the conversation on January 29 using #PlanforVacation to encourage your followers on social media to also reclaim their vacation days.

If you have any questions about National Plan for Vacation Day or would like to share with U.S. Travel how your organization will be getting involved, please contact me, [email protected].

U.S. Travel Association

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