On Tuesday, the United States and Grenada signed an Open Skies aviation agreement. This is good news for both the U.S. and the island nation, as the new agreement will mean lower airfares and increased tourism between the countries.

Grenada’s tourism industry has seen exceptional growth in the past year, with the Grenada Tourism Authority (GTA) reporting that overall stayover arrivals in Grenada increased in 2017 by 8% (146,359), up from 135,372 in 2016. The U.S–Grenada’s largest source market–recorded its highest-ever number of visitors to the island in 2017 with 67,250 arrivals. The signing of this agreement is timely, as Grenada continues to grow its tourism industry and be a sought-after destination for U.S. travelers. 

Both the U.S. and Grenada will benefit from the signing of the Open Skies agreement: average fares are 32% lower on Open Skies routes compared to regulated routes. While the U.S. is already Grenada’s largest source market, the lowering of fares will make it easier for travelers from Grenada to visit the U.S.

Additionally, Open Skies agreements allow for more routes between countries and the opportunity for U.S. carriers to reach underserved markets. When a new international route is added to a city, it benefits the local economy and workforce.

The evidence of the benefits of Open Skies agreements is overwhelming. We welcome their continued expansion, and remain grateful that the Trump administration has resisted calls to tamper with existing ones.

In This The Itinerary
As senior vice president of government relations, Erik Hansen leads policy development and advocacy campaigns for U.S. Travel's domestic and international policy agenda, and represents the travel community before the Executive Branch and Congress. View Profile ›

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